Summary and conclusions

“All the centres work on a not-for-profit basis”
The law in England and Wales will probably change in 2025 but not before that.
If you go to Switzerland, the total cost is going to be between £11,500 and £13,000. You can, of course, apply for a reduction in the Centre’s fees if you have limited funds. Zurich can be slightly more expensive than Basel.
The Switzerland option is not a high-risk choice.
Dignitas appears more thorough in its preparation and documentation. Lifecircle may be slightly more personal in its service. Pegasos is younger and presents broader in its criteria for acceptance.
Assisted suicides take place in buildings that are efficient and functional – but they are not beautiful.
Dignitas (and EX International) ask you to drink the medication. Lifecircle and Pegasos want you to use a cannula in a vein. The cannula is a bit faster.
Most people choose to be cremated and to have their ashes returned later. Alternatively, your body can be transported back home in a coffin.
Anyone coming with you should expect to stay for two or three nights in total.
All the end-of-life centres operate on a not-for-profit basis. No one is making money out of them. For people with modest means, they make allowances if they can. All are driven by belief in freedom of choice.
You need to be careful about possible effects upon beneficiaries in your Will.
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